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Summit Worker Leaves Home Every Day 'Expecting God to Act'

Aug 18, 2017

Summit member Amanda S. recently moved to South Asia and shared this update on how God is giving her relationships that help her share good news. Join us in praying that God would strengthen and encourage Amanda and the workers with whom she partners.

I moved to South Asia six months ago as a worker in a position of complete dependence on the Lord. I had no language, no cultural skills, and no local friends. It was just me, a few other American workers, and the Spirit within me. Looking back, I have learned this exact position of utter dependence is right where I am meant to be.

Within the last six months, I have trusted in the Father for my daily actual bread as well as my daily spiritual bread. Every morning, I pray and ask the Father to restore to me the joy of my salvation (Psalm 51), to remind me that my conscience has been purified from dead works to serve the living God (Hebrews 9), and to renew a vision within me to see every nation, tribe, people, and language worship Jesus (Revelation 7). With these three things in mind, I leave my house every morning expectant for God to act.

One morning, a complete stranger to me, Anika*, approached me and said, “Didi (sister), I want to start a new group that teaches people who don’t know Jesus yet about him. Can you help me?” My response: “Of course, sister, we will do it together.” We met that week and walked together through Scripture about our responsibility to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them, and teach them God’s Word. Two weeks later, Anika started her group. She brought a couple believing members from her family, her non-believing neighbors, and her non-believing friends from her Ph.D. program. Anika shares the gospel with them weekly and teaches them what it means to follow Jesus.

Anika and I do not speak the same language. We are not from the same nation or people group. However, we are sisters. And Jesus said that the fields are ripe for harvest. So every day Anika and I wake up expecting God to act, because he promised he would.

*Name has been changed for security reasons.